* Contest Leaders *

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Current Leaders to Date

Rank Handicapper Show StreakWin Streak  Total WinsHighest Win PayoutTotal Win EarningsMonthly Win Earnings
1nanaginny11 / 811 / 117$7.20$64.60$11.20
2CoachMrB14 / 411 / 114$7.20$62.80$10.60
3jameson23 / 2310 / 119$5.80$67.40$14.00
4slewis23 / 2310 / 118$8.40$69.00$12.20
5repend23 / 2310 / 118$5.80$64.60$15.60
6jimcgrigg11 / 710 / 116$7.80$62.60$13.80
7realoooo11 / 710 / 115$7.20$61.20$10.60
8crayfish14 / 010 / 013$6.60$48.00$9.00
9krangle10 / 1010 / 1010$5.80$36.00$4.60
10mcgibson789 / 19 / 119$7.00$75.40$14.00
11Blackchip11 / 119 / 119$7.20$75.00$14.00
12spam5511 / 119 / 118$5.80$64.40$15.80
13Ruffianway13 / 139 / 117$5.80$59.80$8.80
14mike042223 / 239 / 117$7.20$58.00$12.20
15Redsox88811 / 119 / 016$5.80$63.00$12.60
16dennis21 / 219 / 116$7.00$59.80$9.40
17garebare11 / 109 / 116$5.80$55.20$9.60
18krashkitty13 / 139 / 115$5.20$54.60$15.80
19Cowgirl5121 / 219 / 014$5.80$47.60$9.00
20Bluenote11 / 119 / 114$4.20$43.40$12.20
21orangecoast13 / 18 / 119$7.20$77.00$17.60
22jessetg719 / 38 / 117$7.00$66.40$8.80
23Faveulator11 / 118 / 117$7.20$60.40$11.20
24bailor23 / 238 / 116$8.00$61.80$9.00
25vinnie25114 / 148 / 116$7.20$60.60$14.00
26deadheadoz10 / 108 / 116$7.20$60.20$14.00
27Bandial13 / 78 / 116$7.00$58.20$6.00
28suekarlsen22 / 228 / 116$5.80$54.80$15.80
29petersmj23 / 238 / 116$6.60$54.00$8.80
30trswain8 / 18 / 116$5.80$53.00$9.40
31Grimmyb17 / 178 / 116$3.80$50.40$8.80
32StanVFV11 / 118 / 115$6.60$54.60$7.80
33DonFanucci14 / 148 / 115$6.60$54.20$14.00
34Spoysgone11 / 118 / 115$5.20$54.00$15.80
35The_Professor12 / 108 / 115$5.00$51.60$15.80
36celebbt19 / 198 / 115$5.80$50.20$10.60
37Razor5312 / 108 / 115$6.60$50.20$12.20
38Tinks79710 / 108 / 115$7.00$50.00$12.20
39shanghaid10 / 108 / 115$3.80$46.20$9.40
40cpetitf12 / 38 / 015$3.80$45.40$2.80
41williethefish368 / 28 / 013$7.80$57.20$4.60
42sweetlife11 / 18 / 113$5.80$43.20$3.20
43niatross8 / 18 / 112$5.80$45.20$6.00
44Jfrain8 / 08 / 011$6.20$45.80$0.00
45PSteff46538 / 28 / 010$13.00$59.00$5.00
46mickeychrissy9 / 08 / 08$6.40$34.00$0.00
47Toureg201223 / 237 / 118$5.80$63.20$11.20
488291collin13 / 137 / 117$5.60$61.80$15.80
49kentmo11 / 107 / 116$8.00$66.00$11.20
50jackpotjohnny8 / 17 / 116$7.00$63.40$11.20
51emer4420 / 207 / 016$8.00$60.00$10.80
52SatinTouch10 / 17 / 116$6.40$59.00$6.00
53Kitties10 / 107 / 116$5.20$55.60$11.20
54rgbroughton23 / 237 / 116$4.60$52.60$10.60
55orangehockey11 / 17 / 116$4.60$49.00$9.40
56magicwalnut14 / 17 / 115$9.00$60.00$9.40
57heatfan161611 / 117 / 115$7.20$58.40$17.80
58Travisismyboy9 / 37 / 115$5.80$55.60$15.40
59Sharebelief7 / 37 / 115$5.40$54.80$8.80
60thepreacher14 / 17 / 115$5.20$54.00$7.80
61hiimron9 / 97 / 015$7.20$53.80$6.20
62tanner12oz9 / 37 / 215$6.40$52.40$6.00
63MartyK12 / 97 / 115$7.20$50.80$12.20
64Michael811 / 117 / 115$3.80$45.80$6.00
6530squeen307 / 37 / 314$18.60$89.60$25.60
66chefschoice7 / 17 / 014$6.80$62.00$2.80
67Boomboom2315 / 17 / 114$5.80$53.80$5.00
68des12311 / 117 / 114$7.00$52.80$7.80
69Michael110 / 107 / 114$8.00$51.80$14.00
70tommyb19 / 17 / 114$5.80$50.00$9.00
71kenn113212 / 127 / 114$6.40$47.80$10.60
72Comeonman10 / 107 / 014$5.20$47.20$5.60
73schmiedejh18 / 187 / 114$5.00$46.00$11.20
74adarose11 / 117 / 114$4.60$43.80$6.00
75jesseb22 / 227 / 014$4.60$43.60$6.20
76RyanLovesSantaAnita7779 / 17 / 013$10.60$67.80$10.40
77papolou557 / 37 / 013$7.80$58.80$9.80
78kurnac210 / 107 / 013$5.80$46.40$2.80
79bredpost18 / 187 / 113$5.20$46.00$7.80
80Kafwain19 / 07 / 012$9.40$56.20$4.40
8181johnhenry8 / 17 / 112$7.00$52.40$9.60
82seaner14612 / 07 / 012$7.00$46.00$3.40
83bealman10 / 37 / 112$5.80$43.40$9.60
84GotSpurs8 / 07 / 011$7.20$49.20$0.00
85kimutaku8 / 87 / 711$7.80$47.80$13.00
86jabjab71414 / 07 / 011$6.60$45.40$0.00
87post195811 / 17 / 011$7.20$40.60$0.00
88Lakers247 / 77 / 710$8.00$40.80$2.80
89TG20208 / 07 / 07$6.80$30.20$0.00
90Silvercharm889 / 07 / 07$3.40$21.40$2.80
91spongetoes12 / 76 / 117$5.80$61.80$12.40
92imtonysoprano10 / 106 / 116$6.40$58.60$8.40
93max41210 / 106 / 616$5.60$56.80$14.00
94magicsdiscoimage23 / 236 / 116$5.40$54.20$10.40
95theprofessor8 / 16 / 116$5.80$52.80$10.60
96KathyH8 / 66 / 015$7.20$61.20$5.60
97barron23 / 236 / 115$7.00$60.00$12.40
98Silverbullet4411 / 16 / 115$7.00$55.80$10.60
99jaybosco9911 / 36 / 115$5.20$54.00$9.60
100repent6 / 36 / 115$8.00$53.40$6.00
Visit Equinedge